P-ISSN: 2789-8822, E-ISSN: 2789-8830
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2025, Vol. 5, Issue 1, Part A

The role of the supervisory jurisdiction of the legislative authority on the performance of the executive authority to reduce financial corruption and waste of wealth

Author(s): Mohammad Hassan Saeed and Dr. Ali Al-Mashhadi

Abstract: The role of the supervisory jurisdiction of the legislative authority is a central factor in enhancing transparency and accountability in the performance of the executive branch, which effectively contributes to reducing financial corruption and waste of wealth. This abstract stems from studying the relationship between the legislative and executive branches, as parliament has broad powers that enable it to monitor the financial and administrative activities of the government. The importance of supervisory jurisdiction is evident through several mechanisms, including periodic review of budgets, investigations of parliamentary committees, and the right to question, which allows deputies to hold ministers accountable. Responsible for government performance. Through these tools, the legislature can form an accurate picture of how to manage public finance and direct government policies towards more efficient and transparent practises. Evidence suggests that countries that strengthen the competences of parliament and provide it with the necessary support from human and technical resources are witnessing a significant improvement in the level of transparency and the fight against corruption. As a result, the improvement in the performance of the executive branch leads to positive results that are appreciated by society and enhance confidence in government institutions.

DOI: 10.22271/civillaw.2025.v5.i1a.111

Pages: 01-08 | Views: 27 | Downloads: 15

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International Journal of Civil Law and Legal Research
How to cite this article:
Mohammad Hassan Saeed, Dr. Ali Al-Mashhadi. The role of the supervisory jurisdiction of the legislative authority on the performance of the executive authority to reduce financial corruption and waste of wealth. Int J Civ Law Legal Res 2025;5(1):01-08. DOI: 10.22271/civillaw.2025.v5.i1a.111
International Journal of Civil Law and Legal Research

International Journal of Civil Law and Legal Research

International Journal of Civil Law and Legal Research
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