2024, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part A
Fundamental principles of adoption under the adoption regulation 2022
Author(s): Dr. VV Ratheesh Kumar and GL Arun Gopi
Abstract: Literacy and Legal Sources reveals that adoption was widely practiced one in many ancient societies. The adoption may be as old as human society itself, but the motivation for adoption have changed remarkably over time. In past societies regarded adoption as a means for preserving family lineage, enabling the continuation of ancestor worship creating political alliances and also to ensuring care for the adoptive parents in their old age. The norms for regulating the adoption process have also shifted over time. In many early laws, for instance, persons with children of their own, individuals of reproductive age and women are not allowed to adopt. In India a large number of orphan, surrendered and deprive children who are in need of care and protection. India being a signatory to UN Convention on Rights of Children-1989 has given an express legal sanction to the principle of “welfare of childâ€.
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How to cite this article:
Dr. VV Ratheesh Kumar, GL Arun Gopi. Fundamental principles of adoption under the adoption regulation 2022. Int J Civ Law Legal Res 2024;4(1):28-31.