P-ISSN: 2789-8822, E-ISSN: 2789-8830
Printed Journal   |   Refereed Journal   |   Peer Reviewed Journal

2023, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part A

The issues of reservation policies in India

Author(s): Ramesh Sharanappa D and Devidas G Male

Abstract: The object of the write-up is to find out the problems and to give some tentative solutions for the reservation policy in India. The writer has concentrated his study only on Articles 15 (4), 16 (4), 46, 340, 341, 342 of the Constitution of India, etc. to complete the project and to see whether The writer has adopted analytical and descriptive methodology for this paper and he is relying on books, articles, newspapers, online databases. The careful interpretation of Articles 15 (4), and 16 (4) of the constitution of India to see whether the reservation policy is satisfactory and fulfills its objectives. The write-up is limited to analyzing the provisions of Articles 15 (4), and 16 (4) of the Constitution of India. The writer has based his research on case law also. The writer has formulated the following questions and has tried to find out the answer-•What is the concept of reservation policy in India and what is its purpose?•Who are the weaker sections of society for which regarding reservation?•What are the problems and solutions regarding reservations?.

Pages: 48-52 | Views: 979 | Downloads: 477

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International Journal of Civil Law and Legal Research
How to cite this article:
Ramesh Sharanappa D, Devidas G Male. The issues of reservation policies in India. Int J Civ Law Legal Res 2023;3(1):48-52.
International Journal of Civil Law and Legal Research

International Journal of Civil Law and Legal Research

International Journal of Civil Law and Legal Research
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