P-ISSN: 2789-8822, E-ISSN: 2789-8830
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2023, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part A

Right to internet: A fundamental right under constitution of India

Author(s): Seema

Abstract: Internet usage has increased significantly with the development of technology in the present era of the technology especially after the COVID-19 outbreak when the whole world paused and each person was forced to remain locked in the four walls of their home. After the year 2020 a new question arose among all sect of the society i.e. whether right to access the internet qualifies as a human right or not? The UNHRC General Assembly in well before the outbreak of COVID-19 declared Internet connectivity to be a fundamental human right in year of 2016. There is no doubt regarding the fact that the Internet is the largest source of information and an untapped ocean of knowledge in present time. There is continuous debate regarding the consideration of the internet access as a human right. This debate has got lime light when the one founder of the internet Mr. Vinton G. Cerf has stated that internet is very essential however same could not be designated as the status of a human right. According to him, technology can strengthen rights rather than privileges on its own.The current pandemic has accelerated the digital revolution. All major industries including the education industry moved to internet due to restriction of physical movement all across the world during the pandemic lead the way for full digitalization. Now, it has become dare need of hour to recognize the significance of internet and advocate for universal access to it. The courts have also acknowledged the significance of internet during pandemic period and the courts has also started hearing through video conferencing which leads the way for recognition of a new category of the Fundamental Right in form of right to access the internet. It is the demand of the hour that legislature acknowledge the importance of internet and fulfil dual goals of obligation of a democratic government by way of curbing the digital divide and guaranteeing that internet access is not curtailed arbitrarily and same is part of the fundamental right.

Pages: 44-47 | Views: 3191 | Downloads: 2739

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International Journal of Civil Law and Legal Research
How to cite this article:
Seema. Right to internet: A fundamental right under constitution of India. Int J Civ Law Legal Res 2023;3(1):44-47.
International Journal of Civil Law and Legal Research

International Journal of Civil Law and Legal Research

International Journal of Civil Law and Legal Research
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