2023, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part A
Adultery and its Constitutionality
Author(s): Deepali
Abstract: Marriage is deemed essential for moksha under the Hindu religion. Marriage is also an essential thing for running descent or a legitimate generation. Marriage is a sacred union in Indian society. Marriage is based on the respect and trust of the spouses when any spouse commits sexual intercourse outside the marriage it breaks the sacredness of the marriage. Instead of being the cause of failed marriages, adultery was a symptom. The legality of adultery is unknown to many individuals. Adultery is characterized as a married person's willing sexual activity with a partner other than his or her spouse. In different countries and under different laws, adultery is defined differently. Indian Criminal Code, 1860, Section 497: Adultery is a crime in India; as a result, laws are connected to this section. I will now discuss the origins of the notion of adultery, how it has been used throughout history and some of the prior judgments made in this area. Religion-specific punishments apply when adultery is committed. After this, the influence of this legislation on society and its decriminalization are two factors that are not as beneficial to society. Finally, the most recent assessment of whether this law is beneficial to society or not may be learned by reading this.
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How to cite this article:
Deepali. Adultery and its Constitutionality. Int J Civ Law Legal Res 2023;3(1):41-43.