P-ISSN: 2789-8822, E-ISSN: 2789-8830
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2022, Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part A

The general classification of civil wrong “Tort” in India

Author(s): Dr. Savita S Rasam, Sairaj S Suryavanshi, Utkarsh S Patankar and Pranil P Shah

Abstract: A tort is a civil wrong that results when one person violates the legal rights of another. It can be done on purpose, as in the case of the battery, or accidentally by acting negligently or by mistake, without intending to conduct such an act. In some torts, the idea of the mental element may or may not be significant since, in order to make that determination, we must first understand the type of tort the person committed. A collection of "excuses" that you can use to avoid responsibility are known as general defenses. In tort cases, the goal of redress is to put the party who was wronged back in the same situation as before the tort occurred. Both judicial and extrajudicial remedies are options. The remedies are known as judicial remedies when a party must follow the requirements of the law in order to obtain relief, and when the courts are engaged. The remedies for civil wrongs are governed by tort law. Whether it was done on purpose or by mistake, someone is responsible for the wrongdoing. By paying for damages, the damaged or harmed party is made whole.

DOI: 10.22271/civillaw.2022.v2.i2a.31

Pages: 32-40 | Views: 2332 | Downloads: 1379

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International Journal of Civil Law and Legal Research
How to cite this article:
Dr. Savita S Rasam, Sairaj S Suryavanshi, Utkarsh S Patankar, Pranil P Shah. The general classification of civil wrong “Tort” in India. Int J Civ Law Legal Res 2022;2(2):32-40. DOI: 10.22271/civillaw.2022.v2.i2a.31
International Journal of Civil Law and Legal Research

International Journal of Civil Law and Legal Research

International Journal of Civil Law and Legal Research
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